Friday, March 11, 2005

Gathering 2

It's that time again . . .
The Gathering II

Saturday March 12, 2005
6-9 PM
First United Methodist Church
200 West High St.
Downtown Lexington

Please bring a potluck dish.
The gathering is a chance
for Christian's from many churches in Lexington
to come together and share
their passion for God's Kingdom. It's a time
to eat together, encourage one another and

practice the art of

This is a great time to connect with others in our city who are re-imagining the church and drawing on the ways of Jesus to be God's missional people. At a national level there are several "collectives" that encourage these city-wide/regional gatherings. One of them is called Emergent. Our Lexington gathering is listed so people in our part of the US can join the conversation.

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